
Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Dagmar Dyck

As the first generation New Zealander Dagmar Dyck has been grown up in a Bi-cultural home, She has a German father and Tongan/German mother. She has followed her instincts and firmly believes that being honest in oneself is a quality that will shine through her beautiful Ngatu themed Art Work .(Theme) Why does she paint these things? The reason why she is painting these things is because she is  showing people her background or her life.

What kind or texture does Dagmar Dyck use for her painting? Dagmar Dyck user's viraten colours like green, yellow, orange, red and other colours. Also Tongan culture “Koloa” is defined as a textile art that she uses as well. As she paints she always has 'faka'apa'apa (respect) in herself. The symbols she includes are tongan ngatu and and culture patterns.

Te Tuhi Trip 2nd from Team 5 PES on Vimeo.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

My Review: You Can Always Tell Cathy From Caitlin

Book Title: You Can Always Tell Cathy From Caitlin
Author: Sheldon Oberman
Reviewer: Mele Class 4
Grand total of books read this year: 7
Book Genre: (Highlight)

  • Science fiction
  • Drama
  • Romance
  • Mystery
  • Horror
  • Comedy
  • Series
  • Fantasy
  • Other (state)

  • Biographies/Autobiographies
  • Historical
  • Instructional
  • Other (state)
Insert photo of book cover here:

Reading Level:
  • Easy
  • Medium
  • Advanced
(Leave how many stars you rate it.)
This book is about two twins who kinder have the same ting's in common. One's quiet and the other one is very loud and messy's stuff up.

Cathy said, "I get tired of being Cathy. Sometimes I'd like to be the quiet one."
Caitlin said, "I get tired of being Caitlin. Sometimes I'd like to yell."

Monday, December 1, 2014

To Miharo Hoki (You Are Awesome)

On Thursday the 27th of November some people came into our intermediate block to talk to us about our future aspirations. Their job was to inspire and to help get us prepared for the many working years ahead.  

Mr Samuel (Anthony) gave us 1 Phase and 1 Key! The phase was To Miharo Hoki which means YOU ARE AMAZING. The 1 key was that we have to be amazing and telling everybody there amazing. Also he gave us a quote about our future, And the quote was... Dont Let your past determine your future!

Amelia told us about her life and past. In her life she had two brothers which dropped out or school and were in gangs. So everytime she would walk into class everyone would be teasing her and say that she will turn out like her brothers. So she had ups and downs in her life but never gave up. Amelia is now a Fashion designer and she also had a quote for us which was.. DONT LET PEOPLE PUSH YOU BACK.
Paula also had a story in his life about him almost dieing. Paula told us that when he was little his school had a pool and he was the best at swimming. Every time his class went swimming he would always come first because every time everyone gets tired he would stand and walk to the finish line.But... When his school went for interzones it was his turn to swim. When Paula was swimming he saw that everyone was tired so he tried to stand up but the pool was too deep. Paula started drowning and the lifeguard had to pull him out and pump on his stomach. So Paula’s quote for us is: To try and succeed and give everything ago.

After hearing all these stories Andrew Patterson told us about a boy who went to Manurewa intermediate, His name was Iavana. Mr Patterson showed us a video of Ivana and in the video Ivana told us about what happened in his life and was he does now. It was pretty interesting because he told us that he was naughty when he was little but..... Now he is a year 9 and he is very famous with his stories!!!

After Mr Samuels, Paula,Amelia and Mr Patterson talked to us and told us about their lifes, They really inspired me and make me want to try everything even if I ain’t good at it. I hope that one day I will be like Ivana and be confident to talk in front or people. So it’s my time to give you a quote. “ Always give everything ago even if you ain’t good at it”. So I hope this quote helps all you people reading this!!!

Friendship !

What good friends mean! If you don’t know what good friends mean then I think you should keep reading this amazing writing. The word FRIENDSHIP has a lot of meanings in it. If you know that you’re not a good friend then I think this writing will help you in the future

What makes a good FRIEND? Well been a good friend isn’t always that easy because either you or your friend argue. Obviously arguing with your friends means that you to a close friends or does it? Hmmm I can answer this question for you, When you and your friend argue then forgive and forget about it, well that shows that you accept your friend the way they are.

How to be a good FRIEND! The best way to be a good friend, Is an order to be yourself and act the way you normally act in front of each other. It takes time to become close friends and get to know each other but I’m sure it’s worth the wait. Good friends are there to cheer each other on and make sure everything is working for them.

Why do you need to be a good FRIEND! The reason why you need to be a good friend is because if you’re in trouble, their right by your side is your friend. BUT if you don’t treat people the way you want them to treat you then there’s a problem. There’s an important factor, those people you bullied won’t wanna help you and be by your side when you get picked on. So if you want to get treated as a good friend then treat people the way you want to get treated.

When do your friend’s needs you? At some point your friends would need you, For example there always scared or that one person in school..... You should be there to help them and talk to them about what’s going on. It is important that you make your friend feel like they're welcomed and also have their back if they are going through hard situation’s in life.
What if we didn’t have good friends in this world, Then our world would be a disaster. Everytime you walk around all you see is everyone arguing, people doing bad things to each other or even hurting themselves. Everything would be upside down and there’s you wanting to do something but you think nothing will work. THIS IS THE REASON WHY WE NEED TO MAKE SURE EVERYONE FEELS SAFE AND WELCOMED.

The best thing is to have a true friend always by your side so you know at least someone’s there for you. It is an important idea to be a true friend to anyone no matter what happened between you for example, You and another person always argues then you should be stepping up and sorting it out between one another. Im glad I got true friends in my life because I know that they will always help me with things that I struggle in. I HOPE THIS HELPS YOU GUYS IN LIFE AND IN THE FUTURE.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Jo May

I’ve heard the name Jo May from somewhere, But I can’t remember where from! Oh thats right she is an New Zealand Artist is Waipu near Whangarei in Northland. Jo mays originals are painted with pure white silk and she has been painting on silk now since 2000. Jo May loves painting and she is a really famous artist.

Jo May carefully does a design and then starts painting it, But she makes sure that her pictures are nicely detailed first. Most or the pictures that she draws mean something to her which is pretty amazing. Because when I paint my pictures don’t really mean anything to me but now I have meaning for my pictures.

My class has researched Jo May and now we are having a go at trying to paint like her. I have designed a picture from her painting and now I have to do my final touch. I really love doing Jo May painting and learning facts about her. One day I hope I become at artist at painting.
Screenshot 2014-11-21 at 1.07.47 PM.pngScreenshot 2014-11-21 at 1.07.36 PM.png

In these pictures you can see that Jo May has contrasting colours and colours that stand out. Jo May has used cool colours and a bit or cold colours in these pictures. She mainly paints her pictures with her hands but she didn’t use her hands for these one’s.  She uses squiggly lines and some straight lines. Also the most colours she use are blue, red and gold kind of.  

Friday, November 7, 2014

My Book Review: Terror in the toilets

Book Title: Terror in the toilets
Author: Tom.B.Stone
Reviewer: Mele Class 4
Grand total of books read this year: 6
Book Genre: (Highlight)

  • Science fiction
  • Drama
  • Romance
  • Mystery
  • Horror
  • Comedy
  • Series
  • Fantasy
  • Other (state)

  • Biographies/Autobiographies
  • Historical
  • Instructional
  • Other (state)
Insert photo of book cover here:

Reading Level:
  • Easy
  • Medium
  • Advanced
(Leave how many stars you rate it.)
Alex Lee only wants to use the bathroom but the doorway is glowing, It's rumbling inside and there's smoke all down the hall.

He was in the boys bathroom minding his own business when he smelled it.
He sniffed.
He made a face.
It was disgusting. Terrible. A nose bomb. It was the worst smell Alex Lee had ever smelled. Worse than the bottom of a locker at the end of the yer.Worse than anything he had ever smelled in or out of the bathroom.
Alex sniffed again. What did it smell like?

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Rip Current

Swimming alone in a rip current with no adult is a bad idea. Why? Well because if you get taken out by rips then you might not know what to do. Keep reading and you will find out what some important information about what rips is, also what to do when you are caught in a rip.

If your wondering on how to avoid a rip then here's some information for you. To avoid a rip, you should be swimming between the red and yellow flags because it is the safest area to swim. If you have no adult then stay out of the ocean.

If a line or foam /seaweed or debris is moving towards seaward then it’s a sign that's telling you that there's a rip. Also in the ocean there will be a area that will have a notable colour in the water. You will see that there’s a break in the incoming wave pattern.

If you get caught into a rip the first thing you would think of is to try and stand up, If you can’t stand you put your hand up high and reach for the sun until something see’s your in trouble. But if you're at a beach with no lifeguards anywhere around then you should at least lay on your back and float like a starfish until you are taken out of the rip.

The best thing is to make sure you swim between the red and yellow flags and  if you're in doubt stay out. Don’t ever get into water until your parents are watching you and making sure you’re safe. Make sure you swim between the flags and DON’T EVER GO TO THE BEACH WITHOUT AN ADULT.

Friday, October 24, 2014


Imagining The World Without Empathy,
Walking home and seeing people getting bullied and hurt by each other is not the way that we are supposed to be treating each other. This is what the world would be like if we have no empathy in ourselves, So if there was no empathy in the world then we would be seeing everyone fighting all day and night non stop.

The way to show empathy is to put yourself and other peoples shoe and make sure to help one another out. Understanding why there unhappy and why they're having a bad time. Be a true friend and always help them out every time they're going to through hard times. Also when you’re walking around school you can show empathy by making sure everyone is happy and treating each other like family. Helping the teacher out in class is also showing empathy.

The reason why it important to show empathy is because when you're growing up in life and see people getting pushed around and teased you would know what to do. Empathy is also important because you wouldn’t want to walk around where you live and see everyone been disrespectful to other and fighting. So respect each other and and show empathy when someones feeling down.

The best thing to do when you go travel around places is to show empathy and make sure everyone feels welcome. If you’re imagine the world with empathy then you would think our world would be bad and no one would be happy. So put yourself in other peoples shoes and make sure you are empathetic to each other.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Term 4.

Walking into the hall all I see is the teachers dressed in beautiful bright colours. As I walked to the hall I said to Tyla.“ I wonder what the theme is for today” . “ It says over there”Tyla Responds ”That's our theme Art Attack”. “ Oh YOOOOOOOOOOOO” I said LOUD. I couldn’t wait until team 1 -5 showed us what their team is going to study for this term.

Watching team 4 perform and tell us what they're going to be doing this term I wonder to myself, Are they going to learn about Jackson Pollock and also paint the Jackson Pollock does. There were four famous painters standing on the stage. Andy Warhol was a pop art, Fatu Fe’u was a Samoan and drew flower patterns, Vincent Van Gogh had an bandaged ear, Pablo Picasso style of painting was cubism, Monet Has a french accent and George Seurat’s style of painting was pointillism dots.

They all Introduced himself and told  us what kind or style painting there into. Most of these painters lived in Auckland and Designed picture for companies Westpac. It was really interesting hearing from where they come from and what they paint. My favorite artist was Vincent Van Gogh because he had an bandaged ear but still could paint which was really interesting. I think that team 4 was the best performance for me because it was interesting for me and they told us about the artist and what they do.  Only If I was related to one for these artist I would be happy because I would be an artist as well. BUT REALLY.

“ I think this term is going to be a messy term ” I Responded to Ane. I can’t wait until we get into the middle or this term because painting is really fun and I also enjoy doing art.  Thank you to all the teachers who picked Art Attack for this term. Term 4 HIT ME WITH YOUR BEST SHOT.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Muggle Quidditch. ( Common Wealth Games )

Muggle Quidditch:
Quidditch is a game that has been played on a movie called Harry Potter. Quidditch was invented by JK Rowling the author of the Harry Potter series. JK had a reason why this game was invented. She said that she designed the game in a Manchester hotel room after rowing with her then boyfriend.

Quidditch is a co-ed contact sport with equipment used from Rugby, Dodgeball and Tag. The equipment that you use is a broomstick and round balls. Also you will need 3 hoops for each teams scoring goals.

Rules For Quidditch:
Brooms, Small Medium Large Hoops, Balls,
All players can play while riding a broom, So feel free to use brooms or not up to you.
Teams: Chaser, Beaters

Rule 1:  Each player has to have (1 goalkeeper).

Rule 2:  Place one softball and two other hard balls in the middle or the field. The soft and hard balls should atleast be slightly deflated do they are easier to throw and catch.

Rule 3: Game has started. Both teams each start from the edge and attempt to obtain the soft ball and the other hard balls.

Rule 4: Chasers have to try to score by throwing the softball into one or the three goals or the hoops. Each score is worth 10 points. The beaters have to try peg players with the hard balls.  Such as if a player from the other team get pegged by the beaters they will need to stop what they're doing and go back to their goal; i.e.
( The team player that got pegged will have to drop the soft ball in the case or a chaser will need to touch their goal post or sit down for at least 10 seconds. The keepers will need to block the goals if the chaser try to score.  

Rule 5: The sense or the game quidditch is to score as most points and then the games ends when the seeker snatches a snitch

Monday, August 25, 2014

Article - Sarah Potts

Sarah Potts used to be a character on Shortland Street. She was played by an actor Amanda Billing who was unfortunately too sick to stay on Shortland Street any longer so she left. Amanda Billinggot invited to shortland street on the 14 or September 2004 by Harriet Crampton. Sarah’s husband was TK and she acted on shortland street and they both had a baby named Tilly.

Sarah was really sick in real life so she had to find a way to leave Shortland Street. Sarah passed away on Shortland Street with this illness she catched. Sarah has won and been nominated for multiple or awards including the nomination in New Zealand Television Awards for the best actress.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Article Week 5

Robin Williams was born in July 12th 1951,also he is an American actor. He is a Stand-up in Comedian in San Francisco. Sadly Robin Williams died on Monday 11th August 2014 by Hanging himself. He was leading the comedy of Wikipedia. He has two Son’s and one daughter. The 2 Sons names are Cody Alan Williams and Zachary Pym Williams.

The Daughter name is Zelda Williams. Susan Schneider is Robin Williams wife. So  Zelda Williams Cody Alan Williams and Zachary Pym William mum is Marsha Graces. Robin Williams has 45 movies that he made.  


Ki-o-rahi is a sport that represents the 7 stars for matariki. It is a legend or Rahi and the Patupaiarehe. The ball is called Ki also the sport is played in New Zealand . Ki-o-rahi has different kind or spots mixed together like netball touch tag and rippa. For Ki-o-rahi You can tackle but to other people it is just a beginning game so it would be better to wear tags instead.

There are only 7 players on side in Ki-o-Rahi. Ki-o-rahi is mainly played in france and New Zealand.There are  2 teams and one team is called Kioma and the other is called Taniwha. The kioma team scores by running along the Te Ara and scoring into the pawiro.

Ki-o-rahi is like a rugby game but you can throw the ball in front of you. It is a good sport to play with your family if your family has an outing. I really enjoy the game Ki-o-rahi because it is really fun and funny watching people slip if it’s muddy. I hope you and your family play Ki-o-rahi and see what it feels like playing.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Book Review: Pet Trouble.

Book Title: Pet Trouble
Author: Dachshund Disaster
Reviewer: Mele Class 4
Grand total of books read this year: 5
Book Genre: (Highlight)

  • Science fiction
  • Drama
  • Romance
  • Mystery
  • Horror
  • Comedy
  • Series
  • Fantasy
  • Other (state)

  • Biographies/Autobiographies
  • Historical
  • Instructional
  • Other (state)
Insert photo of book cover here:

Reading Level:
  • Easy
  • Medium
  • Advanced
(Leave how many stars you rate it.)
Charlie's older and younger brothers have pets. Now he's finally getting a dog of his own, one that will love him best. And King the Dachshund is the perfect choice-energetic and devoted, the little dog is everything Charlie hoped for.
King loves Charlie, but he hates everyone else! He barks at family, the other pets, even Charlie's friends. Charlie's worried - is this dog a loyal subject, or an untrainable tyrant?

Friday, August 15, 2014

Kahurangi Performance

Walking into the hall all I was wondering was “ Why are we in the hall and it’s a Monday? ”. Taking a seat on the floor all I see is a beautiful girl standing in the corner or the hall wearing Maori costume.

There was awkward silence in the hall then all we see is three people coming from the back or the stage. “ Kia ora everyone we are the Kahurangi  performance group and we are here to tell you some stories about what happened before you all were born,” the Kahurangi group said. They introduced themselves and then they performed.

As they were performing and also telling us a story about what happened to the Maori people before we were born.  For three people they sound really good when they sing and perform and I think that they are the bestest kapahaka group I have ever seen in my life. As they were finishing up my kapahaka teacher told our kapahaka students that we are going to have a workshop with them and I couldn’t WAIT .

Monday, August 11, 2014


The whistle blew and players moved , dodging and deafening everyone the player dived and hit the Te Tupu. Running around to score points the players impacted with power speed. Sprinting to get a point the player stepped and dived for the try. Watching the player with a ball clutch into his hand his he thrust the ball to his other team mates.

To Be Continued....

Friday, August 8, 2014

Holidays - Term 3.

Hopping off the train at Manukau on our way to rainbow’s End I was so EXCITED because it was my first time ever going there. I couldn’t wait to get into Rainbow’s Ends but as so as we turned up the lines where packed.

As we were getting near the entrance I was jumping up and down and my face was going red because I couldn’t wait for them to give our passes and go on the rides. “ Here is your tickets but you guys just need to go around the corner so yous and get them put on ” The ticket lady said.

To Be Continued.......

Description - Diving.

Para 1: Diving is a sport of jumping or falling into the water off a springboard or platform. Diving is a sports that is part or the olympics sports. This event was apart or the olympics sports ever since 1904.

Strength, Kinesthetic, Awareness , Air  Awareness

Para 2: Diving is the most properly olympics sports with the most spectators. The competitors perform the same characters as each other including flexibility, kinesthetic and air awareness. Some or the divers were gymnastics and dances so there Diving, Acrobatics, sports falling into water, platform, springboard, internally inter nathera sport., part of olympics since 1904, spectators , Popularise to what they perform because it kind or the same thing as diving.

1 meter 3meter springboard, diving comps, Platform, Olympics, no 1 meter diving.

Para 3: Steady on the platform she has to do 1 meter diving  and also 3meter springboard. focus was to perfectly 1m and 3m for the divers. There was also no 1 metre dive well standing on the platform for the Diving competitors for olympics.  

preform, numbers diving, summer slats , twist, judge, all aspects, a of splash made, entry of water. 

Para 4: As the driver jumped off she twisted and made a splash of entering the water. The judges score the competitors by there twits and all the aspects. Also it is scored by the splash that has been made for the entry or the dive.

Article - Week 2

Stan Walker is a Australia - New Zealand recording artist, actor and also a famous television personality. In 2009, Stan Walker was a winner of the Australian Idol. He later than signed a contract with the Sony Music Australia.

In the first season stan Walker became a judge for x factor in 2013. Walker grew up in Melbourne Australia. He toured around the world and also met beyonce. During his career he won five New Zealands Music Awards.

Diving .

As the diver balanced on the platform she stood steady and focused.
Concentration the diver balanced onto the platform and stood steady with control.
Walking onto the platform the diver balanced with concentration.
Looking at the platform the diver balanced and proceeded to jump , with twists and turns.
Watching the diver balanced she twists and turns with focus with a minimal splash.

Walking onto the platform the diver balanced with concentration. Watching her body taut the audiences watched with surprise waiting for her to proceed. The diver balanced and proceeded to jump , with twists and turns. As she twisted and turned she did a minimal splash into the pool.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Algebra Problems

a. How many sticks were needed to build the 5 fish patterns?
b. How many sticks would you n  eed to build 20 fish patterns? (See if you can work out how many without making the pattern)
c. Explain how you worked this out.
d. In a spreadsheet create a table that shows how many sticks are needed for up to 20 fish.
e. From this table create a graph to show your findings.
f. How many sticks would there be in 42 fish?

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Algebra Problems.

a. How many sticks were needed to build the 5 fish patterns?
b. How many sticks would you n  eed to build 20 fish patterns? (See if you can work out how many without making the pattern)
c. Explain how you worked this out.
d. In a spreadsheet create a table that shows how many sticks are needed for up to 20 fish.
e. From this table create a graph to show your findings.
f. How many sticks would there be in 42 fish?

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Guitar Explanation.

If You play a guitar when it will vibrate from the strings to the nearest object around it and back. Then it would go to your eardrum and go forward and backward. Also when you make a noise it will make sound waves in the air which you can't really see.  If you play a low chord it will be a low pith but if you play a high pitch. So if you play a guitar it could ply high and low pitch which head to your ear molecules.

40 hour famine sleepover .

Entering my school I couldn't wait until the 40 hour famine started because we had a sleep over that point England school which is the school I go to. As I walked into the library all I saw were my friends and I was happy that this day has came. Saying goodbye to my Mum my friends all came and gave me a hug like they have never seen me in ages.

When everyone got here we all gathered together and talked about what is going to be happening tonight and what we are allowed to do and what where not. This is my first time ever coming to 40 hour famine sleepover before and I'm happy I signed up.

 The first thing that we did was we played a game that the famine leaders made up for us and we also found out what team colour we were in and I was in team blue.

How To Make A Flute .

Step 1:You will Need to flatten The ends of the straws with the pliers.
Screen Shot 2014-06-24 at 10.34.18 am.png

Step 2: After you have done that you will need to cut the flatten bits like it shows in the picture.
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Step 3:If you wanna Plays songs you could Cut some more holes in the straw. And Start Playing it .
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