I think children should be eating lollies. Lollies can taste good for your tastes buds but it can also be bad for your teeth. Lollies could have too much sugar and it can also make people hyper. If you eat hard lollies your teeth could get sore and you would have to go to the dentist and get your teeth pulled out.
When people eat too much sweet lollies they could get addicted and turn into an obese person. If you eat too much lollies you could get diabetes and get sick too. You could get stomach aches and it would really hurt and you wouldn’t be able to do anything.
If you bite hard lollies your teeth will hurt badly and it can cause damage to your teeth. Lollies can be bad for your skin because you can start getting rough skin and pimples all over your face. Also if you get pimples they could go bigger and people would laugh at you.
Some lollies are cheap in shops and they could cost between $1 or $2.00 but in other countries their lollies cost more. That is how people’s teeth get sore and fall out because the lollies are too cheap.
Most lollies have too much sugar and can make children hyper. When people are hyper they can’t get to sleep and their parents get angry at them so they try to put them to sleep but they can’t. Also lollies can keep your children quiet while you are cleaning your house.